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FSC Amersham recently kicked off a new project which started in January and will run throughout Spring, with local partner Fox and Clubs Forest School, running forest school sessions for home educated children.

Forest school is an exciting opportunity for children to experience nature and learn outdoors in all weather. In forest school sessions the children learn from first hand experiences which allow them to be creative, take measured risks and learn new skills which will help them to grow in confidence and develop a respect for the natural world.

The sessions run in small blocks to encourage regular and long-term attendance. The group is for families with children under 10 years old who are home educated.

On the most recent recent session children got involved in making a swing, baking campfire bread and took part in lots of creative play in the glorious spring sunshine.

We’ve had fantastic feedback from parents and children, it’s great to see them come back to the next session raring to go and to see the parents getting to know each other and share their home education experiences. My opinion (I am also a forest school leader)- what’s great about Forest School is that it allows the children to develop holistically- they can try many different activities and follow their interest, whether that’s using tools, building shelters, practising lashing or playing their own games. The sessions encourage children who might otherwise be working independently to interact with other children and learn to cooperate to achieve common goals, such as lighting a fire.

Jennifer Lewis, Senior Tutor at FSC Amersham


1 comment

  1. Charles Roper says:

    “Practicing lashing”…. So glad I already know this means “tying stuff together” and not “a beating with a stick or whip.”😅


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