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Dear Colleagues,

Staff Pulse Survey Results
The results of the recent Pulse Survey are out. Thank you for taking part. We had 205 responses which is slightly more than last time, with 62% of staff responding. As with any pulse reading it’s a snapshot, but regular measurement allows us to track changes and trends over time. In answer to the question ‘How likely are you to recommend us as an employer?’, the average score was 6.6/10 which is an increase from 6.0/10 in October 2023 and from 6.5/10 in March 2023. As you can see below, 7/10 was the most common response which is the same as last time.

Staff Responses 144 staff explained why they had given the score they had. The key things that you like are:

  • Friendly and supportive people – colleagues and teams
  • What Field Studies Council stands for – purpose and values
  • Great place to work and you enjoy the work

And areas where you think we need to improve are:

  • Pay
  • Working hours/patterns
  • Career progression opportunities

Many of the issues raised are being actioned in the People Plan, and please do look out for People Plan updates. We will continue to listen and look to address the concerns you raise.

Working Groups
We have four active working groups within Field Studies Council but for those who don’t know much about them, we thought it would be good to highlight who they are and where to find more information about them. Especially as you may get asked to join one.
The groups consist of a mixture of Senior Leadership Team members, department heads, managers, senior tutors, administrators and trustees. Some are long standing, but others can be “task and finish” groups which are set up for a one off project or purpose. They each have a specific area of focus. Currently the groups are

  • Innovation Working Group
  • Environment & Sustainability Working Group
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
  • Operational Health & Safety Working Group.

Their purpose, working arrangements and membership are detailed here. The groups are deliberately flexible enough for the chair to invite or co-opt someone onto the group either for one meeting or more so that they can make the best use of someone’s expertise and knowledge. So if you are asked, please do say yes.

Groups do a lot of work behind the scenes including overseeing projects and looking at policies. This work influences many of the key decisions that take place in the organisation. The meeting notes of the groups can be found in the Committees and Groups folder in the Document Archive on the Intranet.

In need of Football Fun to distract from the election?
With the European Home Championships starting on Friday 14 June, we thought this might be a good opportunity for everybody to join in to a competition for a bit of fun. There is no cost involved, just a couple of minutes of your time for each round. You do not need to know anything about football to join in, as it is basically a guessing game. It is played via the Sky Sports Super 6 App, which is available for free on the App store. You do not have to be a Sky customer to play. Simply download the App and follow the instructions to set up your account. Once in, just join our league, which is called Field Studies Council. The PIN is TK2KZ5. It is as simple as that. No cost, no prizes, just the Kudos of coming top of the league. It will all be over by the end of July.

We hope that many of you will join in the fun.

Welcome to Field Studies Council
Charlie Moss joined Slapton as a Housekeeping Assistant Gemma Edmonds has joined Head Office as Fundraising Manager.

Previous catch ups can be found on the staff news website here.


Previous emails, presentations and documents

May 2024

Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 30th May 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 23rd May 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 16th May 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 9th May 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 2nd May 2024

April 2024

Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 25th April 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 18th April 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 11th April 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 4th April 2024

March 2024

Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 28th March 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 21st March 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 14th March 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 7th March 2024

February 2024

Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 29th February 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 15th February 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch up: 8th February 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 1st February 2024

January 2024

Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 25th January 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 18th January 2024
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 11th January 2024

December 2023

Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 14th December 2023
Mark Castle’s Weekly Catch Up: 7th December 2023

To view older messages, please click here.


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